Category: Poetry

  • Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago

    Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago

    Yuri Menis’ Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17 Yuri Menis’ translation of Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago, is nothing short of extraordinary. Described by Menis himself as a “translation out of desperation,” this work captures the essence and beauty of Boris Pasternak’s poetic masterpiece, ensuring its preservation and accessibility for…

  • The Best Poems of Alexander Pushkin, Lost in Translation?

    The Best Poems of Alexander Pushkin, Lost in Translation?

    Reviewed by Justin @ Mobius Poetry Romantic era Russian Poetry translation  “These translations are lovely and sensitive. They are just exquisite. You have taken on and accomplished a noble task. I think it matters a great deal to have Pushkin’s […] poems sound both so natural in the target language and so close to the…

  • Dark Side of the Fence

    Dark Side of the Fence

    Reviewed by Justin @ Mobius  Poetry ” … I found myself reading the book over and over…  Giles poignantly tackles timely issues such as the rise of social media, race relations in America…”–verified reader Amazon, 5 Stars   A heavy dose of lyricism from writer LaMar S. Giles is just what the doctor ordered. A…