Category: Poetry
Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago
Yuri Menis’ Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17 Yuri Menis’ translation of Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago, is nothing short of extraordinary. Described by Menis himself as a “translation out of desperation,” this work captures the essence and beauty of Boris Pasternak’s poetic masterpiece, ensuring its preservation and accessibility for…
The Best Poems of Alexander Pushkin, Lost in Translation?
Reviewed by Justin @ Mobius Poetry Romantic era Russian Poetry translation “These translations are lovely and sensitive. They are just exquisite. You have taken on and accomplished a noble task. I think it matters a great deal to have Pushkin’s […] poems sound both so natural in the target language and so close to the…
Dark Side of the Fence
Reviewed by Justin @ Mobius Poetry ” … I found myself reading the book over and over… Giles poignantly tackles timely issues such as the rise of social media, race relations in America…”–verified reader Amazon, 5 Stars A heavy dose of lyricism from writer LaMar S. Giles is just what the doctor ordered. A…