Yuri Menis

Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago

Yuri Menis’ Translation of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17

Yuri Menis’ translation of Doctor Zhivago, Chapter 17: Poems by Yuri Zhivago, is nothing short of extraordinary. Described by Menis himself as a “translation out of desperation,” this work captures the essence and beauty of Boris Pasternak’s poetic masterpiece, ensuring its preservation and accessibility for a global audience. Such exceptional translations, as Menis poignantly notes, are “desperately” rare, and this edition exemplifies the heights that translation as an art form can achieve.

These twenty-five poems, integral to the fabric of the Nobel Prize-winning novel, offer profound insight into the soul of Doctor Yuri Zhivago, the book’s enigmatic protagonist. They not only deepen our understanding of his character but also stand alone as a crowning achievement of Russian poetry. Through Menis’ deft translation, the vivid imagery, emotional resonance, and lyrical depth of Pasternak’s original work shine brightly, transcending linguistic and cultural boundaries.

The historical and literary significance of these poems cannot be overstated. As a separate chapter of Doctor Zhivago, they form a poetic narrative that echoes the themes of love, loss, and resilience woven throughout the novel. Pasternak’s refusal of the Nobel Prize—due to restrictions imposed by the Soviet regime—adds a poignant layer to the legacy of his work, amplifying its importance as a symbol of artistic defiance.

The translation has received high praise from Ann Pasternak Slater, a renowned literary scholar, translator, and niece of Boris Pasternak. Her endorsement underscores the exceptional quality of Menis’ work, noting its fidelity to the spirit and nuance of the original poetry.

This collection is more than a translation; it is a bridge connecting readers to the heart of Pasternak’s genius. By preserving the poetic soul of Doctor Zhivago, Yuri Menis has created a timeless treasure that will resonate with both lovers of poetry and admirers of Pasternak’s literary legacy. This is a must-read for anyone seeking to explore the depths of one of literature’s most profound works.

Translator Yuri Menis was born in Ukraine in 1952; became a US citizen in 2000. Currently resides in Northern Virginia. Yuri Menis has been a translator, interpreter, and teacher for many years. Yuri has translated and published poetry of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Thomas Moore, Wystan Hugh Auden, Edna Millay, William Butler Yeats and others.

Genre – Translations, Russian Literature, Russian Poetry, Doctor Zhivago, Lara Antipova, Boris Pasternak, Russian Revolution, Soviet Union