Will My Review Be Positive?

At Mobius, our reviewers are experienced professionals committed to providing fair, honest, and objective assessments of the books they receive. While we cannot guarantee that every review will be positive, we do ensure that each evaluation is unbiased and constructive. The aim of our reviews is to serve as a tool for authors to grow and refine their craft, not to discourage them.

Consider the example of Stephen King, who has sold over 350 million books. His incredible success was built on perseverance and his willingness to learn from reviews that were not always glowing.


Does the Copyright Date in My Book Affect the Review?

No, the copyright date has no impact on the review.


How do I get my review on Amazon?

We abide by all Amazon’s terms and conditions, and we provide reviews that follow the rules – Amazon has five main rules regarding reviews:
1. You can’t review your own book or a competitor’s
2. You can review another author’s book, as Amazon doesn’t think it’s a competitor’s
3. You cannot swap reviews with other authors
4. You cannot have family or close friends leave a review
5. You can pay for editorial reviews, which are professional reviews where you pay a company for a review. Editorial reviews can also include reviews from family or friends, but they must be labeled as such.
You can certainly quote it on your book description or add it to the Editorial Reviews section through Author Central. Also, we use the review inside of a press release if you opt for that service. What you choose to do with your review is 100% dependent on what you want to do with it.


Is the Review Based on a Summary or Opinion?

Both. A summary provides critical information to help readers, librarians, booksellers, and others understand the book’s content, while the opinion component offers a thoughtful critique. This balance ensures a comprehensive review that highlights both the book’s strengths and areas for improvement.


How Long Is the Review?

Mobius reviews typically range between 200 and 400 words and are crafted with the quality and elegance that define our brand.


Can eBooks Be Reviewed?

Yes, we accept digital manuscripts and a JPEG of your cover art for eBooks.


Can I Submit an Updated Manuscript After Placing My Order?

No, we only accept one manuscript per order. Please ensure you submit your final version.


Who Reads My Book?

Our team includes approximately 22 seasoned reviewers with expertise in fiction and nonfiction. These professionals include writers, librarians, professors, editors, and journalists. Our executive editor personally assigns each book to the most suitable reviewer based on their experience and expertise.


When Will I Receive My Review?

Reviews are completed within 1–3 weeks, depending on our workload.


What Languages Do You Accept?

Currently, we only accept manuscripts written in English.


What Formats Should My Manuscript and Cover Art Be In?

Manuscripts must be submitted as a Word document, Pages file, or unprotected PDF. Cover art should be a high-resolution JPEG (5.5 x 8.5 inches at 300 DPI). InDesign files are not accepted but can be converted to a non-protected PDF.


Can I Request the Same Reviewer as Before?

Yes, as long as your new book is in the same genre.


Can My Review Be Posted Publicly?

Yes. Once you approve the review, we can distribute it via a press release (if requested) and post it on our website and Goodreads. You may share the review freely in full or follow our excerpting guidelines. You must state that the review is an editorial review that was created fair and honestly.


What Are the Guidelines for Excerpting Reviews?

  • Attribute all excerpts to Mobius Book Reviews (in italics).
  • Use ellipses to indicate omitted words.
  • Do not add words to the review or alter its integrity.
  • Italicizing Mobius Book Reviews makes it clear that it refers to a publication or review source, which is standard in many citation practices.
  • Ensure consistent spacing between the quotation and the attribution (one space before the em dash).
  • Use proper quotation marks and punctuation to align with the intended style guide (e.g., APA, Chicago).


Proper Excerpt Examples:

“An unforgettable story of one man’s journey through the Congo.”  —Mobius Book Reviews

“Father Michael has compiled the ultimate work in Christian healing…” —Mobius Book Reviews

“A brilliantly written novel addressing cultural challenges and inspiring young adults to seek the good in all.”  —Mobius Book Reviews


Can I Speak to Someone Directly?

Yes, you can contact us via phone, chat, or email. However, we do not discuss book content with authors to maintain our objectivity and credibility.


Do I Need to Sign a Contract?

No, by placing an order, you agree to our Terms and Conditions, which serve as the full agreement between you and Mobius Book Reviews.